Shelter Services
Emergency Shelter services are a time critical intervention for individuals and families experiencing homelessness in our community. All shelter services are facilitated with the low-barrier & Housing First principles. Shelter services are intended to be short term while permanent housing solutions are developed. Each person or household works with a Housing Case Manager to identify a permanent housing plan. Each site provides daily meals, basic hygiene supplies, wraparound support to support each person with their unique needs.
Villa provides single adults and couples with emergency shelter in The City of Frenso.
The Ambassador
The Ambassador, located in The City of Fresno, provides emergency shelter to adults over the age of 18.
Travel Inn
Travel Inn provides congregant shelter to adults in The City of Fresno.
Frequently Asked Questions
Elevate Communtiy Services works with the local Coordinated Entry System for all shelters. In Fresno, you can visit an Access Site to be screened for shelter and services.
Yes! All ECS shelters operate under low-barrer principles, which means partners can be in shelter together and you define your household, not us.
Yes! All ECS shelters operate under low-barrer principles, which means your pets can come into shelter with you.
We aim to provide shelter for 90 days while working on your permanent housing solution. If you are working towards your housing but haven’t been housed after 90 days, you may receive extensions to stay in shelter until you locate permanent housing.